Monday, January 18, 2010

No More Mr. Nice Guy!

That's right. It doesn't pay to be nice. Just when you think you're gaining on being able to trust again, BAM! You get your face slammed to the mat! The Golden Rule is dead in today's world and it's time I move into the 21st Century. More on this later!!!

The new Golden Rule is "Do to Others BEFORE they do to you!"

Advice for the day......
Don't let down your guard. Don't turn your back. Don't rely on the code of morals to be the code for all. Don't give respect until you receive it and then be cautious.


Tracilyn Hobson said...

I agree that one should be cautious in relationships and that we should be careful who we trust. Otherwise...this post is horse shit. You cannot AND SHOULD NOT change the essence of who you are -- a genuinely good, handsome, and nice person -- because of someone else's ineptitude and inadequacies. I only have one word for her: KARMA.

Jersey John said...

Just another of Life's Surprises that in this case, doesn't warrant a party.

Jersey John said...

But thanks for the kind words.