Monday, November 23, 2009

What Happened to The Music?

While watching the American Music Awards that I DVR'd, I realized that the music no longer seems to be the key element in the award. I think the biggest award should go to the production managers, stagehands and digital animators, along with the electricians, lighting techs and pyrotechnics. They are the ones who have done an over the top job! I have some experience in what it takes to move one act off stage and another one on. And that experience was in the old days before digital anamatography (my word) and moving stages. But I know what it takes to manage the type of show that the AMA is and the production crews are the ones with talent over most of the acts that performed.

The performances were all very different. From simple to extreme with no one stage being like the one before with high tech big screens and extreme lighting effects. The problem I see is that the MUSICAL TALENT was left to be second in line of the show. And I can't help but wonder which performer would be even an iota of entertainment without the production. My thoughts are below. What are yours?

  1. Janet Jackson - Sluggish Performance - But yes
  2. Daughtry - Exceptional Music - Simple Production - Absolutely!
  3. Shakira - Bad Music - Over bearing production - No
  4. Keith Urban - Exceptional Music - Simple Production - Absolutely
  5. Kelly Clarkson - Exceptional - No Flash - Absolutely. On her phenomenal voice alone.
  6. Alicia Keys and Jay Z - Give me a break! - No
  7. Black Eyed Peas - Should have won the non-music award - Can't believe their fans are so deaf.
  8. Rhiana - Cyborg pop is not music! - Keep it on Broadway. - No
  9. Carrie Underwood - Below her norm - Outfit had me focused on her crotch. She should have gone without any production. Absolutely!
  10. Lady Gaga - Poor performance - No GaGa here - No
  11. Mary J Blige - She can sing and so most definitely - Yes
  12. Jennifer Lopez - Poor theme. Certainly not the main event! - Probably
  13. Whitney Houston - It's all about the voice! A different song might have worked better but... Absolutely!
  14. Alicia Keys - She would have been better off to stick with a ballad and her piano. - Yes
  15. 50 Cent - Where is the Music? What happened to the music?

Sorry I had to turn it off at this point!

1 comment:

Tracilyn Hobson said...

I haven't watched an award show in years. It simply isn't worth my time!