I just finished having a conversation with a friend of mine. I'll call him MN. A while ago, he was torn apart by a women he loved that took him for just about everything he had. In fact he had to file bankruptcy and lost his house. I knew the woman as well. At least I thought I did until she did this man the way she did. After that he swore off women for quite a while, and he was having a bad time of it. I hadn't talked to him in a while, but today he filled me in on how he's handled his loneliness.
Money! He now doesn't even consider talking to a woman unless she has money and is willing to spend it on him. He says "I'm tired of being taken advantage of and figure it's my turn!" He says "I'm done looking for love and relationship. All I want, is to have a woman who's willing to take ME out, buy ME clothes. Keep them wanting ME to live with them!" Which he says he's never going to do again. He just keeps these women, and there's a few in his corral, believing that he will eventually. He has no emotional attachment to any of them and could care less if any of them dumped him. He's says he has old women, fat women, good looking women and not so good looking women. He's say's "It Don't Matter To Me!" I've never seen this man happier! I called him a WHORE! And he laughed and said better to be the whore than pay for one! God! That almost makes sense!
Frankly, I was a bit taken back by this conversation. I've known this man for almost 7 years. We've talked many times about a lot of different things. He's confided in me. He's cried at my house when things went sour with the last woman he was with when I knew him. He was a genuine Good Ol' Boy with feelings and a heart of gold. Yet the man I was having a conversation with turned ugly and cold. But he was happy!
Is that what it takes to be happy these days? You have to be ugly and cold? You need to get over on people? Take advantage of a person when they're down? I don't ever want to get to the state of mind where I'm purposely looking for a woman to take advantage of. I look around at all the dishonesty that I deal with every day and I just can't bring myself to be part of it.
And then it hit me! Women have been doing that very same thing to men for years! I've had it happen to me and didn't realize it when it was happening. MN is just giving back what he has received! Maybe I should give this a little more thought. NO NO NO NO! I can not be that type of person!
What happened to relationships for love and being part of someone's life and them part of yours? It seems, at least the women I currently talk to, are at least outwardly happy to go about their lives surrounded by friends and acquaintances, whom they say they love and are loved back by. But that's not true love. That's just a way of making a person feel just a bit more special then an acquaintance.
I'm thinking...... Show me the money?
Nope. Can't do it. Won't do it. It's better to be unhappy for what might have been done to me, than to live with the guilt of taking advantage of someone else.
Am I totally out of my mind? Does anyone agree with me?
Friday, October 2, 2009
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It is unfortunate that a bad experience can sour a person on a whole gender. I joke about the differences between the sexes, but it is just that: in good fun and not meant to be taken too seriously. I have had negative experiences with the opposite sex in my life, too, but it would be ignorant and stupid of me to believe that based on such experiences, all men are idiots and inherently toxic people.
You say that women have been taking advantage of men for years. While undoubtedly true regarding some women, the reverse is true regarding some men. I do not believe that one or more bad apple(s) can or should ruin the whole bunch. You simply toss the bad one(s) aside and move on, making a better, healthier pick the next time.
Instead of learning from his experiences and making better choices, your friend has become the toxic one. Karma. It will come back to bite him in the ass. Just as I believe that those of us who continue to believe in and search for the good in people -- of both sexes -- will be rewarded for our faith, in the long run.
I agree totally. I have as you say tossed many aside at this point. Clearing the way for the good.
You're not crazy, dude, it's the world, for sure. YOU ARE TOO GOOD A MAN 2 become a gigolo and TOO GOOD A CHILD OF THE UNIVERSE to stoop to the level of those less ethical. A REAL woman craves a man like you! U epitomize,"To thine own self BE TRUE."
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