Sunday, September 20, 2009

Alone In My Thoughts

I sit back and watch as my world passes by,

with so many changes in friends.

Alone In My Thoughts, I long for another,

with whom to be holding hands.

And try as I must, to get through each day,

as each event seems to unfold

I find myself in deep despair

with the thought of becoming old.


Life is too short to spend it alone,

to work for nobody but me,

With a partner with whom I can share all my dreams,

a happier man I'd be.

But nor she sees the love that I have

or would she even believe,

Alone In My Thoughts, my dreams will win

As I cry myself to sleep.

In the lonely hours, just before dawn,

As I lie awake still then,

I can't help but think of the past that I've lived

And where I might have gone wrong.

And try as I might, to think of the times,

That may have truly been right

They were far and few and between, I am

Alone In My Thoughts tonight.

(c)09/20/2009 JJ Williams

1 comment:

Tracilyn Hobson said...

Excellent expression of the loneliness we have all felt, from time to time. I am duly impressed.